Various research groups are involved in the lab and finance it with their funds.

Data, Web and Society

The group engages in research on technologies, design methods, and tools for data management systems, information management and querying on the Web, and multimedia and multichannel communication. The attitude of the group is to embody research results into innovative applications and prototype demonstrators. More information about the „Data, Web and Society“ research group can be found on the group official web page.




The DEEP-SE group conducts research on techniques, tools, and frameworks for the development of complex software systems. It encompasses a variety of aspects of such systems, ranging from modeling and analysis issues in the early phases of their development, to issues related to their implementation and runtime management and optimization.
The group also investigates the economic and strategic impact of software on industry and society in general. The applications that are the focus of this research group can be characterized, in varying degrees and flavors, as distributed, pervasive, adaptive, reconfigurable, dynamic and critical.
Formal languages and techniques for the modeling and verification of the target applications play a central role in the research activity of the group. Most of the research activities eventually lead to software prototypes and experimentation. Yet various members of the group are also committed to methodological and theoretical investigation.
An important application research area for the group is cloud computing, with a focus on both understanding and improving the self-adaptation mechanisms offered by the cloud and building flexible applications for the cloud. More details on this are available on the DEEP-SE cloud initiative page.

NECSTLab (Novel, Emerging Computing System Technologies Laboratory)


The NECSTLab comprises a number of different research lines on advanced topics in computing systems, ranging from architectural characteristics, to hardware-software codesign methodologies, to scalable algorithms for big-data problems, to security, performance and availability issues of complex systems (from mobile devices to virtualization and cloud computing). Furthermore, the laboratory pursues its “historical” tradition of research in the definition of methodologies and techniques regarding testability, auto-diagnosis and fault tolerance both for hardware architectures and hardware-software systems. NECSTLab is responsible for the technical design, implementation and testing of the PoliCloud architecture. NECSTLab has experience in the design and deploy of cloud infrastructures and his members are actively involved in the development of the Crowbar open-source project (PoliCloud’s choice for automated machine provisioning).